There is nothing in all the world of more value than godly wisdom. It is more precious to have than all the riches in the world. Godly wisdom has eternal value – the riches of the world are soon gone. It is good, and needful, to have an education. But of more value and benefit is to pursue godly wisdom for your life. You will never go wrong if you have God’s wisdom guiding your every step. Once you have God’s wisdom – never let it go! Just ask God each day to fill you with His wisdom. Especially when you are faced with things that you are unsure of what to do. He will give you His wisdom. He longs for us to pursue Him and His qualities rather than what the world has to offer. God will lead and guide you in His ways – as you daily seek after Him.
Psalm 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
SYW kids insights:
Joanne = Knowledge is the root of all evils, but if we have fear in our God, our knowledge will be an advantage to all people. And if we do good, God is always in our hearts and soul forever.
Jewell = Sometimes our knowledge drive us to do uncertain things, but if we put God in whatever we do, we will never go wrong and God will guide us forever.
Elchelle = If we have fear of the Lord, our knowledge will be advantage. Just do His commandmends and always praise Him. Just always do a good wisdom and God will always guide us.
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